
The clinic and the egg donor agency finally got a hold of the donor. She was told to wait for the MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory) psych exam to arrive via snail mail from the clinic before she did anything else. I was told a few days ago that she never received it, but two days later, she completed the whole thing and was hand delivering it to the clinic. Something doesn’t add up. At any rate, there’s some forward motion, but it is at a snail’s pace. I have no idea how long it will take to get the results from the psych test, and I imagine the clinic can’t come up with a treatment plan until she passes it and gets her period. The could take as much as 4 weeks.

I just got back from acupuncture where I was told that my pulse was “wirey” which is a sign of liver deficiency which is a sign of stress. I had a backache all day yesterday, too, which is also a sign of stress. I’m trying to spend today doing relaxing things, but that hasn’t happened yet. I had emails to answer when I got back from acupuncture. I should turn off my phone for the rest of the day. It is my day off after all! I think it might be time for some yoga. Here’s to deep breathing and (hopefully) some relaxation!

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